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Kick Ass Commandos Download Exe File

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

About This Game Lock and Load! It's time to KickAss and... Well, it's just time to KickAss. Grab your machinegun, flamethrower, rocket launcher and grenades. Assault the enemy base and free commandos to join your team while you destroy everything you see. Make your way through enemy bunkers to rescue your comrades, and kill everyone else you encounter! KickAss Action Weather Forecast: Bullet Storm with Hail of Grenades Explosions. Big, Big Explosions. Did we mention the Explosions? Grenades, Flamethrowers, Machineguns, Rocket LaunchersColonel Stone is the leader of the KickAss Commandos. He is tough as nails and takes no crap from anyone. If you want to be a KickAss Commando under his command, you personally owe him 100 pairs of boots taken from the bodies of 100 dead enemies! Lex Lightning - Men want to be him, and women want to be with him. The magic of his mustache simply drives the women crazy, and his prowess on the battlefield makes his enemies shrink like your balls in a winter speedo.Sgt. Mohawk is by far the strongest commando. He once pulled a broken down tank to the top of the hill to use it as his personal shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.Corporal Blaze is also known as the “hottest” Commando, but that’s not because of his looks. He’s used his flamethrower to torch enemies across the globe.Corporal T-Bone is so proud of his chiseled physique that he never wears a shirt, not even on missions in the arctic.Lieutenant Ginger is the newest officer to join the Commandos. Rumor has it the only way he made it to the Commandos is because his family is connected to the highest levels of the government. He has a lot to prove if he wants to be accepted by the other Commandos.Delta Ops - If we told you anything about these super secretive, elite forces, we’d have to kill you. So we’ll leave it at that.Nameless Privates - Don’t bother to get to know them, because they probably won’t last long. Great for clearing minefields, going around dangerous corners, or just about any place bullets might fly.General Irons is the unquestioned, totalitarian leader of the elite Tiger Division. During battle, he can usually be found sitting up high in a tower or on a wall directing his legion of soldiers and firing rockets into oncoming foes. He has made a blood oath to one day personally kill Colonel Stone with his bare hands!Major Schwarz was totally incompetent and dropped every weapon he ever held, so they promoted him up the chain of command and gave him a crate of grenades. He’s not accurate, but he’s got butterfingers and grenades in volume.Before joining the most evil enemy organization on the planet, the Commandant was know as the world’s most deadly assassin. General Irons personally recruited him to head up the Division’s secret operations battalion.Red Devils usually work in squads of 5 or more basterds. They all wield powerful shotguns to spray waves of deadly bullets at their foes. Rumor has it the Fire Strykers snort lines of cayenne pepper before charging into battle with flamethrowers, setting fire to everything in their path. Entire cities have been burned to the ground by these faceless, ruthless killers.Killer Snipers are deadly for miles away. The combination of their next-gen, high powered rifles, along with their genetically modified “eagle eyes” makes them one of the world’s most accurate and efficient killers. Use cover such as trees, trucks, or even nameless privates to get close enough to take them out.Troopers are plentiful and disposable. These guys are a dime a dozen. Nobody wants to be killed by the standard enemy lackeys, so if you fall to them in battle make sure you eat one of your own grenades so nobody knows!The Rocket Brothers are the most feared tandem of killers the world has ever seen. These brothers are giants among men and carry rocket launchers that fire 5 rockets at a time. If someone feels the need to have a rocket launcher that big, does it mean they're trying to compensate for something else being too small?Inside every enemy Tank is a tiny little baddie who wasn’t brave enough to fight like a man, and that just won’t do. It’s your job to pry them open like canned beans and put the smack down. a09c17d780 Title: Kick Ass CommandosGenre: Action, Adventure, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Anarchy EnterprisesPublisher:Anarchy EnterprisesRelease Date: 17 Nov, 2016 Kick Ass Commandos Download Exe File Picked this up today. This is a lot of fun. Using an Xbox 360 controller, i was moving through and mowing down enemies in no time. Reminds me a bit of Ikari Warrios and Commando with some new flare thrown in. Having a lot of fun. Get it, you will enjoy it to. Wish it had MP but that's not a show stopper.. Just a wonderful time.. Kick\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665Commandos is a bright, colourful shoot 'em up that is sadly also shallow and repetitive.I enjoyed myself for the first two hours. Ploughing through the enemy with a horde of commandos was immensely satisfying. As was completely wrecking the scenery with flame throwers and grenades.But it was only the momentum of that first fun that carried me to the final act. Kick\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665Commandos gets repetitve fast. Some have called it a bullet hell shooter but it's not. The slightly springy camera makes precision dodging difficult. The enemies bullets are small and fast and don't come in patterns, their only attack style is to shoot straight at the player with some random spread. The gameplay leans more to a stats\/grind style than a skill based shooter. The Easy difficulty setting is far to easy but the Elite (second) difficulty requires levelling up health and damage before they can be meaningfully attempted. The core feature, the Commando companions, is a bit of a gimmick. There is no way to change their formation except to squish them into walls. At the beginning of the game they're overpowerd but towards the end they're useless except as brief bullet sponges.The Commandos get in the way, steal health, trip over mines and get hooked on things. I found the best option was to go it alone carefully and then come back and rescure them just before completing the stage. A troupe of elastic skating commandos on the late ice stages is a whole lot less fun than it sounds as they slew wildly into trapped crates and boxes.Garry, seriously man. Get out of the way.There's also number of small annoyances that compound the frustration. There are no in-game options, there is no music volume control. The - I assume - store bought muzak tracks are not balanced (and not great either). I had to quit the stage to turn down some of the louder tracks.Steam achievements only worked in the first two acts. The Commandos themselves are all identical with only different skins to distinguish them; there doesn't seem to be a way to respec points after they've been assigned. Points put into Valor are points wasted.The game icon is still the default Unity icon. The Steam overlay doesn't work. The irritating 'Please give us a positive review' message breaks In-home-streaming if clicked accidentally. The springy camera makes precision shooting whilst dodging difficult.All-in-all Kick\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665Commandos isn't terrible but it's only worth getting if it's heavlliy discounted. You'll probably only put a couple of hours of play time into it before moving on.. Reminds me a little bit of Cannon Fodder.. only quicker, more action packed, more modern, no need to worry about recruits and put simply, a lot more fun.I got it for $0.95 USD on sale. Since I've already been playing it for over an hour, I've already got my money's worth. Not sure I'd recommend it at $5.99 as half of the levels aren't unlocked yet due to being in Early Access, and there's no Steam Achievements or Trading Cards so far... but probably that price will be reasonable when the game development is finished. Played on Debian GNU\/Linux x86_64.. A fine shooter thus far.. I give this game 9\/10 for the following reasons:-takes you back to the 1980's SEGA game Rambo among others-fun even if you aren't over 25-addictive and hard to put down-you can upgrade commandos with points for extra firepower, HP, fireing rate etc-soundtrack is so right...right of of an arcade-it's pretty funny too-it's cheap-no negatives I can think ofBuy it and have fun!!!. Simply awesome old-school fast top down shooter!

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